Skin Fair 2021 - Review Post

Skin Fair March 12th - March 29th. 

I am super excited to be blogging the Skin Fair again this year.
Some of the best creators have come together for this once a year event.
Everything you could need to make your avatar look amazing.

Now onto my first review post.
The lovely Delphine skin is by Nar Mattaru
The skin was created for Lelutka Evo Zora but can be worn with other Lelutka Evo heads.
I am using the skin on Lelutka Evo Nova 
Also included is tintable face glow, eye bags add-on, tintable face blush, a modifiable brow shaper, and a mouth fix add-on for use with the Irina or Sasha heads to make the mouth/chin area fit better.
It comes in 6 tones, more details on colours available below.

 Nar Mattaru - Delphine Skin @ Skin Fair 2021
..:: INKer ::.. Netty Tattoo @  Skin Fair 2021
Opens on March 12th at 12 PM
There are 6 skin tones to choose from. 
Each comes with  Black , Blond, Brown, Ginger, and a no brow version. 
Body BOMS can be purchased separately. 
You will also find a shape available to purchase at Nar`s booth, this also includes a style card, brow shaper & body versions for maitreya, slink hourglass, belleza freya and isis, and legacy/perky